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Liver transplant surgeon in Pune

Liver Transplant Surgeon in Pune – Dr. Aniruddha V. Bhosale

Consultant Liver transplant surgeon and HPB surgeon

Fellowship liver transplant and HPB surgery,
FACS (USA), MRCS (UK), FMAS(Minimal Access Surgery), DNB (Gen Surgery), MBBS

Dr. Aniruddha Bhosale is a Liver and LIver transplant and Hepato-pancreatic or-biliary HPB surgeon in Pune. He has completed his medical education at Pune and Kolhapur and from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK. He also possesses fellowship in minimal access surgery. He is associated with “Sahyadri Centre for Organ Transplantation” since 2017. He also has been awarded prestigious Fellowship of American college of Surgeons. He has participated in more than 500 Liver transplants, Kidney Transplants, and Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney transplants.

Being an HPB Surgeon in Pune Dr.Aniruddha Bhosale Has His areas of interest are abdominal solid organ transplant surgery, HPB oncosurgery. He is also a faculty (Diplomat at the national Board) for General Surgery at Sahyadri Specialty Hospital, Pune. He is a full-time reviewer at a number of Surgical journals and has numerous publications in the field of Liver surgery, transplants, and GI surgery in various journals

Our Services
Liver transplant surgeon in Pune


Organ transplantation is a surgical process in which we replace an unhealthy or failed organ with a healthy organ of a donor.

Liver transplant surgeon in Pune


Surgeries are special medical procedures that are used to treat any disease or an injury using instrumental techniques.

Liver transplant surgeon in Pune


Organ transplantation is a surgical process in which we replace an unhealthy or failed organ with a healthy organ of a donor.

My Father was admitted in Sahydri that time Dr Aniruddh Bhosale sir treated them. Bhosale sir guide very well and also provide nice treatment due to this he was recovered 50% in one day Thanks to Bhosale sir your proper guidelines
swapnil gorde
swapnil gorde
Special Thanks to Dr Aniruddha bhosale & Liver team to save my life
Rajesh Radhe
Rajesh Radhe
धन्यवाद डॉ अनिरुध्द भोसले सर आणि त्यांची टिम ज्यांनी आमच्या पेशंट ला नविन जिवन दान दिल्या बद्दल शतशः मनापासून आभार सर्व टिम चे 🙏
Aditya Radhe
Aditya Radhe
Review for my wife, When she has admitted over the hospital that time I have a so much off sevier pain but after surgery she relax pain less and feel good and discharge she she walking and feeling painless So I highly recommend the Dr Bhosale sir ..
Mahadeo Gorain
Mahadeo Gorain
अनिरूद्ध भोसले सर एक उत्कृष्ट डॉक्टर आहेत. त्यांनी माझ्या बायकोचे (कोमल साबळे, सोलापूर वय-२२)प्लीहाची मोठी शस्त्रक्रिया उत्तमरीत्या पार पाडली. ऑपरेशन मुळे तीव्र असणारी पोटदुखी संपुष्टात आली.ईतर ठिकाणी जास्तीचे आजार सांगितले,परंतु सरांनी नेमका आजार सांगुन ईलाज केला, ऑपरेशन चा खर्च जास्त होता परंतु भोसले सरांच्या, देशमुख सरांच्या मार्गदर्शनामुळे निम्म्या खर्चात सर्व काही पार पडले. आम्हाला संकटातून बाहेर काढले.आजाराविषयी संपुर्ण व्यवस्थित माहिती सांगतात. अजुनही वेळोवेळी गोळ्याऔषधबद्दल एका फोनवर माहित देतेत. भोसले सरांचे आम्ही कायम ऋणी आहोत🙏🙏 धन्यवाद
Bhairavnath Sable
Bhairavnath Sable
डॉ.अनिरुद्ध भोसले अविश्वसनीय आहेत. एवढेच नाही तर त्यांनी रुग्णांच्या आरोग्याची खूप काळजी घेतली आहे. समजू शकतील अशा गोष्टी समजावून सांगण्यासाठी ते नेहमी वेळ काढतात. वैद्यकीय सेवेची उत्कृष्ट गुणवत्ता असलेली व्यक्ती म्हणून ते रुग्णाची काळजी घेतात. माझ्या कुटुंबीयांसाठी साक्षात दैवत.🙏
Aditya Dhawade
Aditya Dhawade
Good co operation Doctor and other staff also
Chhagan Kale
Chhagan Kale
Open chat